Welcome to the CLAD

Language is not just about learning words, but about understanding worlds. Let every Child unleash their potential to expand the horizons
- Citizens for Law and Democracy (CLAD)

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Why us?

Citizens for Law & Democracy

Welcome to CLAD!

We exist to inspire a future where no child in India is left behind, where every child stands on the same platform of opportunities.

In this world of global interaction, the English language has assumed unprecedented importance. It is a key that unlocks doors of opportunities, yet for many, it is a hurdle.  In India, despite the significant use of English, only 10% of economically well-off Indians are skilled in the language (Census, 2011). This leaves the remaining deprived masses without the necessary skills to access the existing opportunities. We are here to bridge this gap by working towards advocating policies that ensure everyone equal opportunity to access the benefits of private and public institutions. We aspire to an India where linguistic barriers do not stifle ambitions.


We aim to achieve that all Indian citizens have access to all kinds of opportunities.


To Guarantee that private and public school students are equally proficient in English, a skill that is essential for gaining access to opportunities.

What we call as success

In the year 2021-22, we launched our "CLAD’s Drill" teaching approach in government schools of Chennai, Kanyakumari and Tirunelveli.

In the first one or two classes, some students felt shy to come forward but later they became eager to participate regardless of their ability. If these classes continue for a year, it will certainly have a major impact on their fluency.

• Juliet Jamila C (Teacher),
RC High School Chemparuthi Vilai.

I learned through the CLAD's Drill that the amount of love and care we give to the students will be returned to us one hundred percent. School life is mostly dealt strictly with scolding, blackboard, homework, etc but our teaching method is full of love, fun, audio, and empathy so the students came to this class with great interest. It has had an impact on them.

• P. Abisha(Teacher),
G..H.S.S Kattathurai.

CLAD's Drill provides the chance as a teacher for me to engage students with games to learn and ingrain vocabularies in their minds with passion.

• Celin (Teacher),
Moolachel Higher Secondary School.

I am daily teaching English for my mom

• Anto,
a 3rd standard student.

The unique mechanism of CLAD's Drill connects students with the English language in the best possible way. I am grateful to CLAD for involving me in this project to teach English to the students in our village, including our relatives' children. I do my work with great enthusiasm. Such enthusiasm is new to me in the workplace.

• Adline Usha(Teacher),
Government High School, Thiruvarambu

After learning English in CLAD's Drill class, I now speak in English on the phone with my aunt's daughter, who is in the fourth standard in the US. I had never spoken to her in English before.

• Joseph,
a 4th standard student.

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Executive Leadership

Shiva Founder & President of the CLAD

Ra. Shhiva, LL.B., LL.M

founder & President

Shiva Founder & President of the CLAD

Dr. Sabur Ali M. PhD.,

co-founder & general Secretary

Shiva Founder & President of the CLAD

