

In our shared journey towards educational equity, every word learned is a wall torn down, every sentence understood, a bridge built.
- Citizens for Law and Democracy (CLAD)

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Unlocking India's Potential:
Empowering Children with CLAD's Drill

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Bridging Divides, Expanding Horizons

In today's world, language, particularly English, can sometimes act as a barrier, limiting individuals from fully expressing their true potential. At CLAD, we recognize this challenge as an opportunity to mend the divide and empower every child in India with equal access to knowledge. Our vision is to create a nation where language is not a limitation, but a tool that expands horizons.

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Empowering Education for All

In pursuit of our dream, we are committed to providing every child, regardless of their socio-economic background, with the resources they need to succeed. To achieve this, we have developed an innovative program called "CLAD's Drill" inspired by the traditional "Arithmetic Drill" practiced in schools. This unique approach instills English words and sentences while integrating the meaning of their mother tongue language, fostering a deeper understanding and familiarity for the students.

CLAD Drill Flowchart
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Connecting Learning with Relevance

CLAD's Drill goes beyond conventional language learning. We have carefully crafted sentences that expose children to words relevant to their respective grade's subjects such as science, mathematics, social sciences, and the environment. By doing so, we ensure that language acquisition is connected to the real-world knowledge that matters most for their academic growth.

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A Holistic Approach to Education

At CLAD, we believe in nurturing well-rounded individuals. Our program not only focuses on language skills but also equips students with essential life skills. From emotional intelligence and time management to personal finance and interpersonal skills, we leave no stone unturned in preparing them for life's challenges and opportunities. CLAD's Drill covers a diverse range of topics, including basic medicine, menstrual cycle tracking, and various aspects of practical knowledge.

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CLAD - Connecting Language and Development

Fostering Empowered Minds

Through CLAD's Drill, our mission is to familiarize children with not just English language but also with social activities and life skills. We aim to empower them with the tools they need to thrive academically, emotionally, and personally. By bridging the language gap and imparting essential life skills, we envision an India where every child can unlock their immense potential and contribute meaningfully to society.

Join us in this journey of transformation and together, let's build a brighter future for every child.

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